Module:Custom rule/segments

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Custom rule/segments/doc

return {
	['ac'] = 'Arrow Cross',
	['al'] = 'Arrow Left',
	['ar'] = 'Arrow Right',
	['atl'] = 'Arrow Thin Left',
	['atr'] = 'Arrow Thin Right',
	['bcrb'] = 'Black Crescent bottom',
	['bcrl'] = 'Black Crescent left',
	['bcrr'] = 'Black Crescent right',
	['bcrt'] = 'Black Crescent top',
	['c'] = 'Circle',
	['cll'] = 'Curl Left',
	['clr'] = 'Curl Right',
	['co'] = 'Circle open',
	['col'] = 'Colon',
	['crb'] = 'Crescent bottom',
	['crl'] = 'Crescent left',
	['crr'] = 'Crescent right',
	['crt'] = 'Crescent top',
	['d'] = 'Diamond',
	['do'] = 'Diamond open',
	['el'] = 'Ellipse',
	['elo'] = 'Ellipse open',
	['fc'] = 'Flare Centre',
	['fct'] = 'Flare Centre 5px',
	['fcw'] = 'Flare Centre White',
	['fl'] = 'Flare Left',
	['fr'] = 'Flare Right',
	['fy1'] = 'Fancy1',
	['fy2'] = 'Fancy2',
	['fy3'] = 'Fancy3',
	['lo'] = 'loops',
	['lz'] = 'Lozenge',
	['lzt'] = 'Lozenge 5px',
	['qc'] = 'Quatrefoil in circle',
	['r'] = 'Rectangle',
	['s'] = 'Square',
	['so'] = 'Square open',
	['sp'] = 'Span',
	['str'] = 'Star',
	['tl'] = 'Tear Left',
	['tr'] = 'Tear Right',
	['ltr'] = 'Lefttriangle',
	['rtr'] = 'Righttriangle',
	['w'] = 'Wave',