એક અજાણ્યા ગાંધીની આત્મકથા/પરિશિષ્ટ ૪: NOTES

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પરિશિષ્ટ ૪: NOTES

1. જુઓ: ‘Political winds blow bad deal past fiscal guardian,’ The Washington Examiner, November 6, 2007, p.9.
2. જુઓ આ The Washington Postના જ આ લેખો: ‘Fast-Paced D.C. Tax Scam Probe Aimed ‘to Stop the Hemorrhaging,’’ November 11, 2007, A1; ‘2 More D.C. Tax Workers Removed,’ November 10, 2007, p. B1; ‘Price Tag of District Tax Scam Increases,’ November 8, 2007, p. A1, ‘Financial Chief Urges Employees to Work To Regain Public Trust,’ November 8, 2007, p. A8.
3. આ કાર્ટુનમાં વોશીન્ગ્ટન મોન્યુમેન્ટના મોટા ઊંચા થાંભલા ઉપર મને મારા નામ સાથે દોરેલો અને એનું કેપ્શન હતું: ‘IT’S NOT A MEMORIAL. IT’S ALL THAT’S LEFT OF THE D.C. FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT HE RUNS, HE SAYS HE’S ON TOP OF IT NOW, The Washington Post, November 13, 2007.
4. જુઓ The Washington Post ના જ આ લેખો: ‘D.C. Hearing On Scandal Has Gandhi In Tight Spot, Auditor Criticizes Financial Agency, November 16, 2007, p.A1; ‘CFO in the Hot Spot,’ Editorial, November 17, 2003, ‘Some People’s Faith in Gandhi Eroding, Feelings That D.C. Official Should Quit Over Tax Case Bubble up, Gandhi Should Resign, Some Say,’ November 19, 2007, p. B1; ‘As Council Launches Probe, Gandhi’s Job Appears Less Secure,’ November 21, 2007, p. B2 . Also ‘Gandhi Must Go, Mr. Mayor,’ Editorial, The Washington Examiner, November 16, 2007.
5. જુઓ: ‘Business Pulse, Should CFO Gandhi resign because of the city’ tax refund scandal? The Washington Business Journal, November 23-29, 2007.
6. જુઓ: ‘Report on Embezzlement Blames ‘Culture of Apathy and Silence,’ The Washington Post, December 16, 2008, p. B4.
7. જુઓ: ‘Don’t Fire the Chief Financial Officer,’ The Washington Post, November 25, 2007, Outlook Section; ‘Ten Reasons to keep Gandhi,’ The Washington Examiner, November 27, 2007. ‘The Natwar Gandhi I Know,’ The Washington Post, December 3, 2007.
8. જુઓ: ‘D.C.’s Office of Tax and Revenue Scam Won’t Hurt Ratings,’ The Bond Buyer, November 12, 2007. Also see, ‘Tax corruption scandal is a plus for Gandhi,’ The Washington Examiner, November 9, 2007.
9. જુઓ: ‘2 More D.C. Tax Workers Removed,’ The Washington Post, November 10, 2007, p. B1; ‘Gandhi “Deeply Sorry” for Scandal, Gandhi Vows to Deal With Damage From Scandal,’ The Washington Post, December 20, 2007, p.B1
10. Theodore Roosevelt, Man in the Arena, Excerpt from the speech ‘Citizenship In A Republic’ delivered at the Sorbonne, in Paris, France on 23 April, 1910
11.  નટવર ગાંધી, અમેરિકા, અમેરિકા, સંપાદન: ધીરુ પરીખ, મુંબઈ: ઇમેજ પબ્લિકેશન્સ, ૨૦૧૫, પૃ. ૪૯-૫૨
12. James Orchard Halliwellના એક મુક્તકમાં સોલોમન ગ્રંડીના અત્યંત સાધારણ જીવનની કહાણીની વાત આ પ્રમાણે થઈ છે :
13. Solomon Grundy,

Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on Wednesday, Took ill on Thursday, Grew worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. That was the end,

Of Solomon Grundy.
14. ‘Superstars…are products of history and community, of opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky – but all critical to making them who they are. The outlier, in the end, is not an outlier at all.’ — Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success, Little Brown, 2008, p. 285
15.  જુઓ : Oliver Sacks, ‘Frequently, our only truth is narrative truth, the stories we tell each other, and ourselves—the stories we continually re-categorize and refine. Such subjectivity is built into the very nature of memory, and follows from its basis and mechanisms in the human brain. The wonder is that aberrations of a gross sort are relatively rare, and that, for the most part, our memories are relatively solid and reliable., ‘Speak Memory,’ The New York Review, February 21, 2013.
16.  જુઓ: ‘Doomsday 2.0,’ The Economist, March 12, 2016, p.79
17.  જુઓ: ‘My old (since 1917) quarrel with Soviet dictatorship is wholly unrelated to any question of property. My contempt for the emigre who ‘hates the Reds’ because they stole his money and land is complete. The nostalgia I have been cherishing all these years is a hypertrophied sense of lost childhood, not sorry for lost banknotes,’ Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory, An Autobiography Revisited, New York: Vintage International, 1989, pp. 52
18. ઓશા (OSHA–Occupational Safety and Health Administration) આ અમેરિકન ફૅડરલ એજન્સી કામ કરવાની જગ્યાઓ—ફૅક્ટરી, શોપ, દુકાનો વગેરે એમના કર્મચારીઓ અને આજુબાજુના લોકોને જોખમમાં નથી મૂકતી એ જોવા માટે ઈન્સ્પેક્ટર્સ મોકલે. જો કોઈ જોખમ હોય તો ઈન્સ્પેક્ટર્સ એ દૂર કરવાનાં પગલાં લેવા કહે.
19. ૧૭૮૭માં ક્રાઇમિઆમાં ફરવા નીકળેલા રશિયાના મહારાણી કૅથરીન પર છાપ પાડવા માટે ગ્રિગોરી પટોમ્પકિન નામના રશિયન અધિકારીએ એક આદર્શ ગામડું તૈયાર કર્યું અને રાણીને બતાડ્યું કે એમના રાજ્યમાં રશિયાની કેવી પ્રગતિ થઈ છે અને લોકો કેટલા સુખી છે! પટોમ્પકિને તૈયાર કરેલા ગામડામાં બધું સ્વચ્છ અને સુંદર દેખાય. મકાનો લાઈનસર બંધાયેલાં હોય, શેરીઓ સીધી હોય, વિશાળ રસ્તાઓની બન્ને બાજુ વૃક્ષો રોપાયેલાં હોય, ફૂલોથી લચી પડતા બગીચાઓ હોય, લોકોનું એકબીજા સાથેનું વર્તન વિવેકમય હોય.
20. નટવર ગાંધી, અમેરિકા, અમેરિકા, સંપાદન : ધીરુ પરીખ, મુંબઈ: ઇમેજ પબ્લિકેશન્સ, ૨૦૧૫, પૃ. ૯૯-૧૦૦.
21. વાડીલાલ ડગલી, થોડા નોખા જીવ, ૧૯૯૦: આર. આર. શેઠ, p. ૧૪૬
22. જુઓ: Natwar Gandhi, ‘The Emergence of the Post-Industrial Society and the Future of the Accounting Profession,’ The International Journal of Accounting, Volume 11, Number 2, Spring 1976, pp. 33-50, and Natwar Gandhi, ‘Accounting in a Nonmarket Economy: A Futuristic Look, Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1978, pp. 59-69
23. જુઓ: Natwar Gandhi and Jacob G. Birnberg, ‘Toward Defining the Accountant’s Role in the Evaluation of Social Programs,’ Accounting, Organizations, and Society, Volume 1, No. 1, June, 1976, pp. 5-10; Jacob G. Birnberg and Natwar Gandhi, ‘The Accountants Are Coming! How Accountants Can Help Policymakers in Social Program Evaluation,’ Policy Sciences 8 (1977), pp. 469-481.
24. નટવર ગાંધી, અમેરિકા, અમેરિકા, સંપાદન : ધીરુ પરીખ, મુંબઈ: ઇમેજ પબ્લિકેશન્સ, ૨૦૧૫, પૃ. ૫૩-૫૮.
25. જુઓ: ‘Still the Promised Land’, The Washington Post, June, ૧૩, ૧૯૮૯.
26. જુઓ: ‘America, You’re to Be Envied,’ The Wall Street Journal, October 31, 1988, p. A17
27. ‘The Nine Lives of Marion Barry,’ A documentary by Dana Flor and Toby Oppenheimer, HBO, 2009.
28. જુઓ: ‘The Cost of Coming Over the Line,‘ The Washington Post, August 31, 1998.
29. જુઓ: Harry Jaffe, ‘Dr. No,’ Washingtonian, September, 2005, pp.70-74. ‘District’s ‘Dr. No’: Is he also Mr. Yes?’ The Washington Post, June 20, 2010, p. C1
30. જુઓ: ‘Tax Office Losing Millions Annually, Is Losing Big to Cheaters, Processing System Weak, Officials Say,’ The Washington Post, January 1, 1999.
31. જુઓ: ‘In for Capital Punishment?’ Economic Times, New Delhi, Sunday, April, 1997.
32. ‘Many Unhappy Returns, District Addresses Income Tax Chaos,’ Washington Business Journal, October 3-10, 1997, p. 68, ‘Dysfunction in the District,’ The Washington Times, October 24, 1997.
33. જુઓ: ‘April Surprise,’ Washington City Paper, March 27, 1998. ‘Pulling Even in the Refund Race, D.C. Now Takes Less Than 2 Weeks to Process Refunds,’ The Washington Post, April 15, 1999, p. B1
34. જુઓ: ‘The taxman cometh in D.C….and he plans to collect, Washington Business Journal, April 18-24, 1997, p. 24, ‘Taxman Cometh, D.C. to auction thousands of delinquent sites,’ Washington Business Journal, June 9-15, 1999, ‘Unpaid Taxes Put Property on Block,’ The Washington Post, July 9, 1999, p. B1
35. જુઓ: ‘District threatens firms on back taxes,’ The Washington Times, October 13, 1999.
36. જુઓ: Several articles in The Washington Post: ‘D.C. Tax Collectors Fired Amid Allegations,’ November, 11. 1998, ‘5 D.C. Women Plead Guilty in Tax Scam,’ April 10, 1999, p. B2, ‘Former City Worker Sentenced in Tax Scheme,’ May 25, 1999, p.B2, ‘Velocity Grill Sold to Pay Back Taxes,’ June 9, 1999
37. ‘D.C. to Post Surplus for Fiscal 1997,’ The Washington Post, July 17, 1998, p.A1, ‘D.C.’s Rags to Riches Story, Editorial, The Washington Post, February 10, 1998.
38. ‘NEA Ready To Pay D.C. Property Tax’,The Washington Post, September 24, 1997, p. A1, A14.
39. જુઓ: ‘District’s ‘98 Surplus Grows by $100 million, $400 Million Surplus Wipes Out Years of Deficit,’ The Washington Post, January 13, 1999, p. A1.
40. જુઓ: ‘Wall Street Analysts Smile on D.C.,’ The Washington Post, April 14, 1999, p. A12, ‘From Junk to Investment Grade,’ Editorial, The Washington Post, April 25, 1999.
41. જુઓ: ‘The Man Who Tamed D.C.’s Fiscal Mess,’ The Washington Post, February 9, 1998, p. A1, ‘An Accountants’ Accountant,’ The Washington Times, January 22, 1999, p. A21.
42. જુઓ: ‘અમેરિકી ભારતીય કૌટિલ્ય: નટવર ગાંધી, નયા પડકાર, જાન્યુઆરી, 19, 1998, ’સલામ ડાયસ્પોરા, મિડ ડે, ફેબ્રુઅરી 7, 1998, ‘એક ઓર ગાંધી ચમકે છે અમેરિકામાં,’ જન્મભૂમિ પ્રવાસી, માર્ચ 29, 1998, ‘Man who took D.C. out of the red,’ The Economic Times, Mumbai, March 22, 1998). ‘The Man who brought D. C. out of the red,’ India Abroad, 1998.
43. જુઓ: ‘Inside Trading,’ Editorial, The Washington Times, April 21, 1999.
44. જુઓ: ‘The Mayor to name Gandhi as finance chief,’ The Washington Times, May 5, 1999.
45. જુઓ: ‘Back to D.C.’s future,’ May 7, 1999, p. A21, and ‘Chief mismanagement officer,’ May 14, 1999, p. A19, both in The Washington Times, and ‘D.C.’s Embattled Nominee,’ Editorial, The Washington Post, May 24,1999.
46. જુઓ: ‘Staff exodus from CFO worries mayor, Some cite Holt’s abrasive style for departures,’ The Washington Times, August 18, 1999)
47. જુઓ: ‘D.C. Council Members Seek CFO’s Ouster After More Audit Delays,’ The Bond Buyer, March 2, 2000, p.3, ‘Bid Launched to Oust D. C. Finance Chief, Council Members Blame Holt for Delayed Annual Audit, Say It Holds Up Budget Talks, The Washington Post, March 1, 2000, ‘Don’t Holt on, District CFO is chief financial obstacle,’ The Washington Post, March 3, 2000, ‘Fire the Financial Chief? Editorial, ‘The Washington Post, March 13, 2000, ‘Support Waivers for D. C.’s Holt,’ The Washington Post, May 1, 2000, p. B1, ‘Go-No-Go-on the CFO.,’ Editorial, The Washington Post, May 2, 2000)
48. જુઓ: ‘D.C. Financial Chief Resigns, Holt’s Deputy Will Replace Her,’ The Washington Post, May 7, 2000, p. C2, ‘Gandhi to the rescue,’ The Washington Times, June 23, 2000, ‘New D.C. CFO Hopes to Run A Smooth, Efficient Operation, The Bond Buyer, June 12, 2000, ‘As New CFO, Gandhi Brings Experience, Efficiency to D. C.’ The Bond Buyer, June 12, 2000, p.34, ‘Gujarat-born is CFO of US capital,’ The Economic Times, May 10, 2000.
49. જુઓ: U. S. House of Representative, D.C. Appropriations, Bill, 2001, 106th Congress, 2nd Session, Report 106-786, July,25, 2000, p. 31.
50. જુઓ: Two articles in The Washington Post, Editorial, ‘Wake-Up Call on D.C. Spending,’ 12/02/2000; ‘D.C. to Consider Deep Spending Cuts, December 15, 2000, and two articles in The Washington Times, ‘D.C. budget chief warns of looming deficit,’ December, 8, 2000; ‘Spend, spend, blame, blame,’ Editorial, December 14, 2000.
51. જુઓ: ‘Congress Allows District to Dip Into Reserves, Rainy Day Funds May Help City Prevent Cuts in Services,’ The Washington Post, December 16, 2000, p.B1
52. જુઓ: The Washington Post, Tuesday, January 30, 2001, p. A1
53. જુઓ: ‘After 10 years, D.C. control board is gone but not forgotten,’ The Washington Post, January 30, 2011
54. જુઓ: ‘D.C. Council Votes To Retain Recent Fiscal Safeguards,’ The Washington Post, July 11, 2001, ‘Congress Drops Plan for D.C. Chief Financial Officer, The Washington Post, July 19, 2001, p. B2. ‘Looking to Make CFO Permanent, D. C. Leaders Stump on Hill,’ The Bond Buyer, July 12, p.5
55. જુઓ: Harry Jaffe, ‘Dr. No,’ Washingtonian, September, 2005, pp.70-74. ‘District’s ‘Dr. No’: Is he also Mr. Yes?’ The Washington Post, June 20, 2010, p. C1
56. જુઓ: ‘Married D.C. Gay Couples Can File Taxes Jointly,’ The Washington Post, April 20, 2005, p. B1.
57. જુઓ: ‘D.C. CFO blamed for approving Internet gambling, D.C. Examiner, January 26, 2012, and these articles in The Washington Post, ‘D.C. finance officials criticised over online-gambling contract’, January, 26, 2012, ‘Lotto questions,’ Editorial, January 24, 2012, ‘Quit playing games,’ Editorial, January 31, 2012.
58. જુઓ: The Washington Post માં આ આર્ટિકલ્સ: ‘Cap the District’s Debt,’ Editorial, December 1, 2005, p. A24; ‘Finance Chief Urges D.C. to Put Cap on Borrowing, Cap on Debt Could Threaten Proposed D. C. Projects,’ June 21, 2007, p.B1; ‘Fields of Schemes,’ May 31, 2008, p. A12; ‘Gandhi Warns City to Limit Borrowing, CFO Wants to Curb Spending on Projects,’ July 10, 2008, p. B3; The Bond Buyer માં આ આર્ટિકલ્સ: ‘Change Rules in D. C., New Mayor, Big Projects Highlight 2007,’ November 4, 2007, p 1; ‘District of Columbia CFO Gandhi Wants Law on Debt Ratio Limits, July 10, 2008, p.3.
59. જુઓ: ‘150 Most Powerful People,’ Washingtonian, January, 2008, ‘Dr. No still has some work to do,’ DC Examiner, February 3, 2006
60. જુઓ: ‘Washingtonians of the Year, 2007’ Washingtonian, January 2007.
61. જુઓ માત્ર The Washington Postના જ આ Editorials, articlesના હેડીન્ગ્સ વાંચવાથી જે ખબર પડશે કે ઓવર સ્પેન્ડીંગનો પ્રશ્ન કેટલો તીવ્ર અને વરસે વરસનો છે : ‘Coming up $80 Million Short,’ September 8, 2001; D.C. Fiscal Chief Sees Shortfall of $245 Million,’ October 19, 2001; ‘District’s Bad News Budget,’ Editorial, December 10, 2001, p. A22; ‘The State of the District,’ Editorial, January 30, 2002, p. A22; ‘D.C.’s Coming Moment of Truth,’ Editorial, March 2, 2002, p. A22; ‘Alarm Bells in D.C. Spending,’ Editorial, June 28, 2002; ‘A Test of D.C. Leadership,’ Editorial, September 12, 2002; ‘D.C. Officials Pledge to Erase $323 million Deficit by Oct. 1,’ Metro, September 17, 2002; ‘$128 Million Short,’ Editorial, February 21, 2003; ‘A D.C. Spending Alarm,’ Editorial, October 18, 2003; ‘District Faces $300 Million Budget Shortfall,’ November 28, 2006, A1; ‘D.C. officials risk huge budget gap, Gray says, Fenty administration has overspent by more than $200 million,’ February 2, 2010, p. B3; ‘On the cutting edge, The District must make some tough budget trims,’ Editorial, September 29, 2010, p. A20; ‘D.C. schools may face new shortfall, Projected $30 million in over spending on special education,’ September 30, 2010. Metro.
62. જુઓ: ‘Our revenue projections,‘ Catania continued, ’are by their nature not only conservative but radically, incredibly conservative… You get us all in a frenzy, and it’s almost like… when you get us to the finish line, you say, ‘Never mind.’‘ ‘Council Member, Chief Financial Officer Argue Over Debt and Taxes, The Washington Post, March 7, 2003, District Notebook, p.
63. જુઓ: ‘Why did Mr. Gray question D.C.’s budget projections?’ The Washington Post, Editorial, March 5, 2012, p. A16; ‘Public spat signals another term for CFO Gandhi,’ Washington Examiner, March 13, 2012, p. 9.
64. જુઓ: ‘D.C.’s Corruption Affliction,’ The Washington Post, November 11, 2007, p. A17.
65. જુઓ: ‘District Tax Office to Receive Award for Outstanding Technology,’ The Washington Post, May 2, 2002, District Extra; ‘District Gets Budget Award,’ The Washington Post, February 28, 2008, District News in Brief.
66. જુઓ: ‘Heads roll in tax office, Gandhi to ax workers tied to scandal,’ The Washington Examiner, October 21, 2008, front page.
67. જુઓ: ‘District Overhaul Failing, GAO Says,’ p. B1, The Washington Post, May 4, 2001; ‘Financial Management Woes,‘ The Washington Post, Editorial, May 5, 2001, p. A18; Problems lingered at D.C. tax office,’ The Washington Post, October 9, 2012, p. A1.
68. મેં અનેક વાર કહ્યું છે કે કન્ટ્રોલ બોર્ડ, મેયર્સ, અને કાઉન્સિલે ડીસ્ટ્રીકને ઉગારવામાં મોટો ભાગ ભજવ્યો છતાં એમ કહેવાયું કે ડીસ્ટ્રીકને બૅંકરપ્સીમાંથી બચાવવાની બાબતમાં ગાંધી અયોગ્ય રીતે વધુ ક્રેડીટ લે છે! જાણે કે એણે જ બધું કર્યું છે એવી વાત કરે છે! જુઓ: ‘Who Saved the District from Bankruptcy? The CFO didn’t save D.C. on his own,’ The Washington Post, October 20, 2012.
69. જુઓ: ‘D.C., A Year From Now,’ Editorial, The Washington Post, September 18, p.B6. ‘The Dysfunction Williams Didn’t Tackle,’ The Washington Post, June 24, 2006, p. A21.
70. ‘Dr. No still has some work to do,’ The Washington Examiner, February 3, 2006.
71. જુઓ: Washingtonian, September, 2005, p. 70
72. જુઓ: ‘Statement of Chairman Mary L. Landrieu, Senate Appropriation Committee, Subcommittee on the District of Columbia, Hearing on the FY 2003 Local Budget of the District of Columbia, June 11, 2002
73. જુઓ: ‘It’s the Management, Stupid,’ Loose Lips, Washington City Paper, July 13, 2001.
74. જુઓ: Washingtonian, 2007, and January 2008.
75. જુઓ: ‘The Grown-up with the Ledger, D.C. would be foolish to part with CFO Natwar Gandhi,’ Editorial, The Washington Post, April 30, 2012, p. A12, ‘Time for Gray to quit dithering and reappoint Gandhi,’ The Washington Examiner, May 8, 2012, ‘District’s CFO: One of a Kind,’ The Bond Buyer, May 22, 2012, p.1, ‘Gray to reappoint Gandhi as District CFO, The Washington Examiner, June 15, 2012, p.9, ‘Gray is poised to renominate Gandhi, The Washington Post, June 15, 2012, p. B1, ‘Chores for Nat Gandhi’s next five years,’ The Washington Examiner, June 27, 2012, p. 12.
76. જુઓ: ‘Gandhi, CFO of District, resigns,’ The Washington Post, February 2, 2013, p. A1, ‘A bottom-line success, Natwar Gandhi’s legacy is a District that can be proud of its finances.’ Editorial, The Washington Post, p. A14; ‘District CFO Natwar Gandhi prepares to exit after 13 years of successes and setbacks,’ The Washington Post, December, 29, 2013.
77. આ લખાયા પછી અમેરિકામાં વસતા બીજા બે ભારતીયોને નોબેલ પ્રાઈઝ મળ્યા છે : અર્થશાસ્ત્રી અમર્ત્ય સેન (૧૯૯૮) અને રસાયણશાસ્ત્રી વી. રામક્રિશ્નન (૨૦૦૯).
78. ૨૦૧૬ના ઑક્ટોબરમાં ફોર્બ્સ મૅગેઝિનનું અમેરિકાના ૪૦૦ અત્યંત ધનિકોનું જે લિસ્ટ બહાર પડ્યું તેમાં પાંચ બિલિયોનેર ભારતીય ઈમિગ્રન્ટ્સ પણ છે : વિનોદ ખોસલા, ભરત દેસાઈ, રમેશ વાધવાણી, કે. રામ શ્રીરામ, અને મનોજ ભાર્ગવ. એ ઉપરાંત પેપ્સીકોલા, માસ્ટર કાર્ડ, માઈક્રોસોફ્ટ, અને ગૂગલ જેવી અહીંની મહાન કંપનીઓના ચેરમેન પણ ભારતીય ઇમિગ્રન્ટ્સ છે.
79. આ અહીં ઉછરેલી પહેલી પેઢીએ જે અસાધારણ સિદ્ધિઓ પ્રાપ્ત કરી છે તેમાં કેટલાંક તો ગવર્નર (લુઇઝિઆના અને સાઉથ કેરોલિના), ૨૦૧૬ની ચૂંટણીમાં ચાર કૉંગ્રેસમેન—અમી બેરા, રો ખન્ના, પ્રમીલા જયપાલ અને રાજા કૃષ્ણમૂર્તિ—અને એક સૅનેટર—કમલા હેરીસ ચૂંટાયા છે, ફૅડરલ એજન્સી હેડ (રાજ શાહ), આસિસ્ટન્ટ સેક્રેટરી (સ્ટેટ અને કૉમર્સ ડિપાર્ટમેન્ટ્સ) અને એમ્બેસેડર (રીક વર્મા—ઇન્ડિયા), એવી અગત્યની રાજકારણની પોઝિશન સુધી પહોંચેલા છે. વડા પ્રધાન નરેન્દ્ર મોદીની ટીમે જ્યારે પ્રમુખ બરાક ઓબામા સાથે મસલત કરવા ભોજન લીધેલું, ત્યારે ઓબામાની સાથે એમની ટીમમાં ત્રણ અમેરિકન ભારતીયો હતા—અમેરિકાના ભારત ખાતેના એમ્બેસેડર રાહુલ રીક વર્મા, વિદેશ નીતિના આસિસ્ટન્ટ સેક્રેટરી અને ગુજરાતમાં જન્મેલા નિશા બિસ્વાલ દેસાઈ અને અમેરિકાની આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય ક્ષેત્રે મદદ કરતી એજન્સી (AID)ના ડાયરેક્ટર રાજ શાહ!
80. મધુસૂદન કાપડિયા, અમેરિકાવાસી કેટલાક ગુજરાતી સર્જકો, ગાંધીનગર: ગુજરાતી સાહિત્ય અકાદમી, ૨૦૧૧
81. નટવર ગાંધી, અમેરિકા, અમેરિકા, સંપાદન : ધીરુ પરીખ, મુંબઈ : ઇમેજ પબ્લિકેશન્સ, ૨૦૧૫