એરિસ્ટોટલનું કાવ્યશાસ્ત્ર/સંદર્ભસૂચિ


1. S. H. Butcher, Aritsotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. (4th ed. with text, translation and critical essays: Dover Publication, 1951)

2. Ingram Bywater, Aristotle on the Art of Poetry. (An Amplified version with supplementary illustrations. Great Seal Books, 1962)

3. Lane Cooper, Aristotle on the Art of Poetry. (An Amplified version with supplementary illustrations. Great Seal Books, 1962)

4. Lane Cooper, The Poetics of Aristotle: Its Meaning and Influence. (Cornell University Press, New York, 1956)

5. L. J. Potts. Aristotle on the Art of Fiction. (with introductory Essay, tranalstion and explanatory notes, Cambridge, 1953)

6. W. Hamilton Fyfe, Aristotle’s Art of Poetry (Introduction, translation and notes, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940)

7. D. S. Margoliouth, The Poetics of Aritsotle. (Translation, introduction and commentary, London, 1911)

8. Thomas Twining : Aristotle’s Treatise on Poetry (London, 1789)

9. A. O. Prickard, Aristotle on the Art of Poetry (Macmillan, London, 1891)

10. A. S. Owen, Aristotle on the Art of Poetry (An analytic commentary and notes, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1931)

11. W. D. Ross, Aristotle. (Methuen, London, 1923)

12. F. L. Lucas, Tragedy in Relation to Aristotle’s Poetics (Hongarth Press, London, 1949)

13. Humphry House, Aristotle’s Poetics (A course of eight lectures, Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1961)

14. T. S. Dorsch, Classical Literary Criticism. (Aristotle on the Art of Poetry, p. 28 to 75 Penguin, 1965)

15. John Crowe Ransom, ‘The Literary Criticism of Aristotle’ in ‘Lectures in Criticism.’ (Harper Torch-Books, 1961)

16. H. A. Myers, ‘Aristotle’s study of poetry’ in ‘Tragedy : a view of Life’ (Cornell Paperback, 1915)

17. Richard Mckeon, Literary Criticism and the concept of Imitation in Antiquity’ in ‘Critics and Criticism’ (Pnoenix Books, 1963)

18. W. K. Wimastt, Jr. and Cleanth Brooks, (i) Aristotle’s Answer : Poetry as Structure. (ii) Aristotle : Tragedy and Comedy, (iii) The Verbal Medium : Plato and Aristotle in ‘Literary Criticism : A short History.’ (Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. 1964)

19. David Daiches, ‘The Aristotelian Solution’ in ‘Critical Approaches to Literature’ (Longmans Paperback, 1964)

20. R. A. Scott-James, The “Poetics” in ‘The Making of Literature’ (Mercuty Paperback, 1963)

21. George Sainsbury, ‘Aristotle : his great importance’ in ‘A History of English Criticism.’ (William Blackwood & Sons, London)

22. S. M. Senreiber, Notes on Aristotle’s Poetics in ‘An Introduction to Literary Criticism’ (Pergamen Press, London, 1965)

23. Bernard Bosanquet, ‘A History of Aesthetic’ p. 55 to 70. (George Allen and Unvin, London, 1956)

24. George Saintsbury, ‘Loci Critici’ p. 1 to 32. (Loyal Book Depot, Meerut, Indian Edition, 1966)

25. ગોવિંદ.

26. ડો. નગેન્દ્ર.

27. એબરક્રોમ્બી, સાહિત્યવિવેચનના સિદ્ધાંતો. (અનુ. નગીનદાસ પારેખ; વોરા એન્ડ કું., મુંબઈ)

28. વોર્સફોલ્ડ, સાહિત્યમાં વિવેક (અનુ. નગીનદાસ પારેખ, વોરા એન્ડ કું., મુંબઈ)

29. રસિકલાલ પરીખ, ‘વસંત રજબ મહોત્સવ ગ્રંથ.’

30. જયંત કોઠારી, ‘કવિતાની પ્રાણપ્રતિષ્ઠા’ : ‘પરબ’ (1963 : પત્રિકા : 2-3; 1964 : પત્રિકા-2; 1966 : પત્રિકા-1; 1967 : પત્રિકા-2)