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એક અજાણ્યા ગાંધીની આત્મકથા/ભાગ ૨ : અમેરિકા

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ભાગ ૨ : અમેરિકા

નિતાંત ઉછળે, ભળે, સળવળે, ફળે, ઉજળે,
દયા, દમન, દાનનો દયિત દેશ પૃથ્વી પટે!

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

From a sonnet by Emma Lazarus
inscribed on the inner wall of
the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty
in the New York harbor

For an immigrant with skill, America is heaven.
Erik Erikson