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દલપતરામનાં શ્રેષ્ઠ કાવ્યો/‘એકત્ર’નો ગ્રંથગુલાલ: Difference between revisions

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<span style=" color: red">Ekatra Foundation is grateful to the author for allowing the distribution of this book as an ebook at no charge. Readers are not permitted to modify the content or use it commercially without written permission from the author and publisher. Readers can purchase original books from the publisher. Extra Foundation is a USA-registered not-for-profit organization with an objective to preserve Gujarati literature and increase its audience through digitization. For more information, please visit: https://www.ekatrafoundation.org, https://wiki.ekatrafoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page or  https://ekatra.pressbooks.pub.</span>
<span style=" color: red">Ekatra Foundation is grateful to the author for allowing the distribution of this book as an ebook at no charge. Readers are not permitted to modify the content or use it commercially without written permission from the author and publisher. Readers can purchase original books from the publisher. Extra Foundation is a USA-registered not-for-profit organization with an objective to preserve Gujarati literature and increase its audience through digitization. For more information, please visit: https://www.ekatrafoundation.org, https://wiki.ekatrafoundation.org/wiki/Main_Page or  https://ekatra.pressbooks.pub.</span>
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